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05 Dec 2018 11:22:42
Man Utd and Mourinho, our constant nemesis, either individually or together.
Emery is so far pulling some fabulous rabbits out of the hat so the pressure mounts, 19 games unbeaten adds to it.
Another opportunity for him to give us that bit more faith in him.
I am impressed so far, I love the clear team spirit, the effort and some of the genuinely good football but equally am not yet believing the hype. We are 14 games into a season and still with a lot to prove.
I have absolutely no idea what the score will be tonight but it would be great to come away with something.
1.) 05 Dec 2018 16:09:06
I’m hoping it’s a curse on wenger not Arsenal. On current form you would have to say 3-1ish we are still easy or easier to score against than most, certainly the big 5 anyway. I’m still going for a win on the premise that it’s unai not Arsene because I remember a few years ago when we were in a similar although not quite as good a run and we were playing united reserves or near as damn it and ended up loosing. These are all monkeys that Emery needs to peel of the Arsenal back.
2.) 05 Dec 2018 18:11:48
I remember that brow and it totally derailed us! I was so excited before the game too so this time I'm filled with apprehension!
3.) 05 Dec 2018 18:50:13
I think both sets of fans would take a draw right now and I think Jose might too but Dick always wants 3pts but grudgingly accepts 1pt is better than nothing.
I thought against Liverpool he'd have been as pleased as we all were at getting a point but right to the final whisle he was urging the players forward looking for those 2 missing points he wanted badly, hard not to love his mentality passion and commitment that seems to have spread to every corner of the club already.
Things are certainly looking the best they've been for years from where I'm sitting.
4.) 05 Dec 2018 19:45:57
I think going on form a draw would be disappointing. If we win I think we can say we’re shaking off the curses and move forward!
01 Jun 2017 21:28:02
Anyone else see the prize money paid out by the Premier League this season.
At £139 million for finishing 5th we only got £11 million less than Chelsea did for winning it.
Sunderland got £93 million for finishing bottom.
That is some serious cash.
1.) 01 Jun 2017 22:16:13
Let's home we can plough the majority of that cash into our transfer targets.
2.) 02 Jun 2017 12:12:41
Good news for the players but not so good for the fans, that money needs to come from somewhere and there is ultimately only one place to get it, the public.
Yes there is advertising money but the advertisement is only aimed at the fans too so ultimately it's 100% the watching public who pay.
Increased transfer fees increased wages increased prices have to follow.
19 May 2017 17:54:35
Holy shizzle, Usmanov has made a 1.3 billion bid to Kroenke to buy his shares.
Only read a couple of days ago that Usmanovs personal wealth went up by over £4 billion this year.
Apparently Kroenke hadn't said a definite no.
Sell, sell, sell!
1.) 19 May 2017 18:06:10
Please please sell! We need a change from the top down. I believe Usmanov will do this. And he won't see this club as purely a business. It'll also be a hobby and something he won't want to lose with. Fingers crossed.
2.) 19 May 2017 18:15:52
I was slated when I said usmanov will take over one day. he's the savious imo and itl happen eventually. No top4 would be great bargaining tool.
I knew my avatar would not be wasted :) red dog if your reading this have faith usmanov is here.
3.) 19 May 2017 18:24:10
I'll hold my hands up and say I was against it. Slated anyone who said it. But now we need it. I was against all the money that came with it. But now that money is in football from sponsors anyway.
4.) 19 May 2017 18:50:50
He's a big Wenger fan though.
5.) 19 May 2017 19:12:46
Lol he's not stupid wouldn't slate wenger before he's in. Bad PR all the noises etc are at perfect times he's a clever bloke. If he comes wenger may get a year who knows but he won't accept failure. Finishing 5th won't be a bad thing this year. D16 let's hug.
6.) 19 May 2017 19:23:27
I'd love him to come in, but in reality I don't think it's going to happen. Stan is too stubborn as he's proved recently. Money talks though, so fingers crossed this is an opening bid.
7.) 19 May 2017 19:31:05
Apparently the bid was placed a couple of weeks ago and has been refused. Maybe some others could show interest now.
8.) 19 May 2017 19:44:56
The timing of it all is genius.
9.) 19 May 2017 20:12:18
Come on usmanov! Really good news to see him trying to buy Kroenke!
10.) 19 May 2017 20:59:12
Derby you old sage you. Some of us are like visionaries. Lol.
09 Jun 2016 11:55:40
I was having a read through some of the other pages and found that the Man City page now has people posting, not all City fans I might add.
Anyway back on April 1st someone asked about Gundogan going to City which ended in them asking if they had any interest in Xhaka.
Ed02 gave a lengthy reply of interested clubs, which included City, Napoli and us but his last sentence of that reply said, but Arsenal will be looking for an early agreement.
Somewhat of a shame he will no longer post on here.
1.) 09 Jun 2016 12:06:40
Agree stoner mate. It was a big factor for me visiting this site as well as your banter ladies ;)
2.) 09 Jun 2016 12:40:14
It was a bit of a mine of information over on their rumours page Je, with ed02 answering numerous questions mate.
He also spoke about us having interest in two left backs, a guy called Guerreiro at Lorient and Rico Henry at Walsall.
Hopefully he's not totally done with us and will return again at some stage.
3.) 09 Jun 2016 14:40:05
maybe after two tranfer windows eh. maybe he's giving us the treatment madrid and athletico are due to endure.
4.) 09 Jun 2016 14:27:54
I hold my hands up and say I sent a post in regarding the attitude of certain Eds, at the time I never gave a thought of half the bull they were deleting and only a fraction was actually getting passed in to the page. I sincerely apologise for that. And I really do hope Ed02 returns to the page as the knowledge is second to none, although I do greatly appreciate Ed01 and Ed25s input.
5.) 09 Jun 2016 15:03:13
It's really strange the we have so much interest in the LB position, is Nacho going home? Is Gibbs off?
I hope ed02 comes back for the greater good of mankind.
6.) 09 Jun 2016 15:32:15
Je they're mostly very young lb's. Monreal is 30 I think. It makes sense to sign someone now.
7.) 09 Jun 2016 16:01:58
yes i also remember him being adament that chelsea wouldn't block cech coming to us, because abramovic respected his service and desire to remain in london. even though mourinho publicly stated he didn't want him to and when to myself and i'm sure a few others it seemed an odd transfer to allow when he could of been sold abroad.
8.) 09 Jun 2016 16:38:54
Our LB's are second rate, hence the need to sign a decent one and Rodriguez fits the bill.
9.) 09 Jun 2016 20:26:54
CS I agree mate, age completely slipped my mind and on that note yeah I get why we're on the lookout now, Guerrero- there's been a lot of rumours about this fella lately, talked very highly of but I haven't seen much of him to be honest.
Rodriguez- in my view we've got Gibbs who can do what he does, we need someone who can defend properly n not one who thinks of constantly getting assists.
If we where to go out n get a LB then Gaya from Valencia would be my pick :)
Who would you guys want?
10.) 10 Jun 2016 14:58:13
JG, Wendell from Leverkusen or Alex Telles from Galatasaray/ Inter. Both young Brazilian left backs with a lot of hype surrounding them. In an ideal world it would be a defender who can speak portugese and english, who can help Gabriel to play in the team (if the language barrier is still, for some reason, an issue) even if they don't play right next to each other.
11.) 10 Jun 2016 19:29:59
Interesting NEG, Brazilian? After our last Brazilian LB? Your brave :) just kidding mate.
Both super fast too if I remember rightly
I like kurzawa from PSG too n also Jetro willams from PSV
I wouldn't be to bothered if we didn't succeed in upgrading the LB position this summer, it can wait, we have far more important positions to upgrade.
Stoner's banter posts with other poster's replies to Stoner's banter posts
17 Dec 2019 08:49:03
Interesting quote from Kevin De Bruyne
"We saw up front in the video, the attackers they try to press up but when we pass their front four they really don't help the Arsenal defence. So they always stay with four up front, except [Gabriel] Martinelli who comes [back] a little bit more. "
1.) 17 Dec 2019 10:13:02
Says it all really. I miss the days when we'd defend with more than 6 players behind the ball. Even when it was just Ollie up top and Mesut sort of floating around, at least the others would drop deeper.
2.) 17 Dec 2019 11:27:12
I think it's a lack of work ethic that has run through the club for years, Barcelona Liverpool City regardless of how brilliant they may be owe so of there success to how hard they work without the ball, that concept is totally alien to us, our players would rather stand still with thier hands hoping for refs decisions or throw themselves on the floor not just in the box but all over the pitch than actually bust a gut to win the ball back once lost.
16 Dec 2019 11:01:37
I can put my hand on my heart and say I've never been so disappointed with everything about this club as I am right now. We've gone from 5 captains to 12 apparent candidates for the job of manager. How much more inept can this club make themselves look.
The owner is pitiful, there is no one alive who will convince me he has any want whatsoever to achieve anything with this club beyond keeping us at the necessary level to feed his financial needs. He has zero drive to make us into a real powerhouse.
We are not the North London club going places, Levy is the one making the big and decisive decisions to take his club to the next level, he's the one who built a stadium for the fans, not just the corporations. Mourinho arrives within hours of Pochettino being sacked, followed by 5 new coaches the very next day. That is having a plan.
Our weaknesses as a club have been there for all to see for over a decade, no defence, no leaders and a total lack of mental strength. Spineless through the middle of the team, spineless as a club.
I look at our squad and think who do I really see as a player to take us to a title or a champions league and I'm struggling.
I can pick Aubameyang, Lacazette, Torriera, Leno, Cebellos, Tierney and Guendouzi and then where. Yes we have some promising youngsters but as a whole we are as poor as you like. We don't even have decent coaches.
I've reached the point where it's a genuine struggle to watch us play what can only be described as mid table football at best.
We really are going backwards at an alarming rate with no sign that the club are doing a single thing to stop it.
The players it seems do as they want with no repercussions. Xhaka and Ozil prime examples.
We need to get rid of a fair few players with those two topping that list, we cannot carry anyone anymore, we need players working for each other and the club.
We are the laughing stock of world football, it's ridiculous.
1.) 16 Dec 2019 11:35:58
Couldn’t agree more mate. Painful to watch.
2.) 16 Dec 2019 16:37:18
Top post stoner mate.
3.) 16 Dec 2019 18:25:44
I think we fans need to accept where we are with this club. We have Ben spending like a middle table club for sometime and playing like the same as well. Why is it we are expecting world class managers. Especially with the structure the Ed’s keeping mentioning.
Now is the time to take the risk get a young creative manager and spend some money. There is a confidence and disciplinary issue at the club that needs fixing as well. We need a manager who is not thinking too much on his reputation but also to develop our young players who are regressing in the first team e.g Guendouzi who clearly needs to learn to tackle and defend. Like I said before he Pea and Ozil is a big mistake playing together on current form.
From Arteta left Arsenal he has always been my future manager for the job. Only player I’m aware of who quit the football and openly said he is no longer good enough to play for a club like Arsenal- honesty and heart.
Sign him up!
4.) 16 Dec 2019 19:46:25
Hard to attract top talent when there is no identity at the club. Who would want to sign for us with the way the club is being run?
11 Nov 2019 18:34:28
So just to cheer everyone up I thought I'd mention the latest about our great club.
Torriera is apparently having discussions about his future at Arsenal, Lacazette and Aubameyang are looking at options and Bayern are interested in Leno.
Xhaka says he wants to stay and loves playing for Arsenal.
Best of all Emery appears to be going nowhere.
So it's not all doom and gloom. 😂😂.
1.) 11 Nov 2019 18:52:09
Hence, why we need an immediate change of manager. Now is a good time, with an international break and the January window fast approaching.
I believe we need an experienced manager and the two that spring to mind and are available are Allegri and Mourinho. If Allegri speaks English.
If we don’t change our manager we stand to lose our better players, as I don’t believe Emery can recover from the damage inflicted recently.
2.) 11 Nov 2019 18:56:03
I think the biggest disappointment is the decision is only to come once it's to late to change our season.
Once we are 12 points adrift with 25 or less games left to pull it back it will be pointless changing as far as this season is concerned, but of course that looks likely to be when it happens, nuts.
Anyone up for more Europa league football next season? Can't see Auba putting his hand up and the best of the rest won't won't find the prospect very exciting either.
3.) 11 Nov 2019 19:04:12
Come on Chaps, Dick was never going to be sacked it’s far too early, and as I’ve previously said our star players won’t stick around - this could be disastrous and I’m not exaggerating.
4.) 11 Nov 2019 19:36:54
On the bright side even if our better players do say enough is enough and want out we will still have a lot of young exciting players left and an opportunity to get the best out those who have struggled under Emery, Pepe Ozil Luis.
Klopp didn't inherit the finished article he's had to fix and mend along the way to where he and Liverpool are now, they have the best fullback paring in Europe who cost less than 500k for the pair plus as well as VAN and Allison who were big money buys.
It's not always who you inherit but about what you do with your inheritance, Jordan Henderson? N Nobody's most wanted list but is such an important clog in Klopps fantastic machine.
5.) 12 Nov 2019 08:33:16
Thanks, Stoner mate I feel better now.
6.) 12 Nov 2019 17:25:20
Hey MKD you’re welcome mate and the other thing I meant to mention was in his interview after the game how Chambers was talking as if we were the little team.
So at least we know the players have the right mentality, not! 🤷â€â™‚ï¸ðŸ˜‚.
7.) 12 Nov 2019 19:08:59
According to one of many many stories Emery has 6 games to save his job, I'm not sure what that means, does he have to win all 6 or half of them or 1 of them? Who knows but if there is any truth in it what's the point?
If he fails during this period then our season will definitely be over so any action would be purely costume jewellery action rather than purposeful action for all the right reasons.
We have a clear choice do what gives us our best chance of saving our season or be seen to be really lovely club who only made the nasty horrible decision after exhausting every possible option.
8.) 13 Nov 2019 07:13:13
You’d think United would have been a shining example of how not to do things after Fergie left yet here we are matching them stride for stride in inept leadership from the top.
Why is it that billionaire business who buy football clubs seem to lose everything that made them successful in their own field and become so hopeless in this one.
Would Apple keep employing someone who was destroying their brand. Would they even have employed this clown with his bang average CV.
Yet here we are keeping him in a job and telling him he’s doing a great job and patting him on the back WT actual F are they thinking.
9.) 13 Nov 2019 09:52:14
It is difficult to understand why the club is so willing to accept the very highly probable outcome of standing by Emery (Europa league football) rather than gamble when there is absolutely nothing to lose by doing so.
We have to pay both Emery and Fredies wages for this season no matter what so financially it makes no odds who is manager of the two.
Would Fredie get us into the top 4? Probably not, will Emery? Almost certainly not! The players obviously aren't responding to Emerys personality and methods at all, would they respond to Fredies? We just don't know! Fredie of course would be a long shot to get us into the top 4 but Emery doesn't appear to have any chance left at all.
Long shot or no chance? It doesn't appear to be a difficult choice to me.
30 Aug 2019 11:10:47
See we have some good news on the injury front.
Smith Rowe played 80 minutes Friday and 90 minutes Tuesday.
Holding played 90 minutes on Friday.
Mavropanos, Bellerin and Tierney all due back in full training in September rather than the previously stated October.
1.) 30 Aug 2019 15:09:42
Be October at the earliest before we can expect to see Belerin Tierney Manov in first team action, which is ok and better than rushing them back only for them to breakdown again as a result of it but does make letting Monreal leave all the more risky.
2.) 31 Aug 2019 12:31:19
Getting Holding and Tierney back / in the team will give the manager a huge boost - I think I could get 4th with our team and squad. Our weakness is CB and CDM. Play 3 at the back - papa holding and Chambers, push Luiz into midfield with Torriera and drop Xhaka.
That sorts defence out, protects defence with a better midfield and allows for more attack minded players elsewhere. 😉.
13 Jun 2019 11:51:32
So Newcastle, Burnley, Liverpool and Tottenham our first 4 fixtures.
Easy or difficult?
1.) 13 Jun 2019 12:31:00
Newcastle away is tough to call especially on opening day so I'd go for 1pt
Burnley at home no push overs but you've got to expect a win in that game if you hope to be anything but also rans.3pts
Liverpool away? You've got to expect us to be 4 down in under 25 minutes at Anfield:-) It's an Arsenal tradition, 0 pts.
Home to Spurs? We did brilliant against. them last season but of think they will be much fresher coming into this season than last and I would imagine they will spend this summer too so as we stand I'd have to go for a draw and 1pt.
So for me a total of 5 points in first 4 games that includes facing two of last seasons top 4, not terrible.
2.) 13 Jun 2019 12:31:19
Hi stoner mate, well in my eyes I've given Emery his transition year.
He better hit the ground running or I'll have the knifes out for him
Saying that 10 points would be a good start.
3.) 13 Jun 2019 20:11:21
7 points I think.
4.) 13 Jun 2019 21:24:57
Take it that's beating Burnley and Newcastle and drawing with Spurs Banbury mate :-)
Does anyone give us any chance of getting something at Anfield :-)
10 May 2019 09:44:38
Hilarious 😂😂😂.
06 Feb 2018 21:45:36
Saw it too mate and agree with Skywalker, it was a celebration, it was like he tensed his arms out as in “Yeah get inâ€.
06 Dec 2017 08:44:28
He’s a dobbin, nowhere near good enough. 🙄.
13 Oct 2017 20:10:26
You noticed that too Sanogo and did you do a typo and actually meant 50 or 60. 🤔.
31 Aug 2017 08:50:41
Not sure if you've already answered this but what's the score with Mustafi leaving, is he seen as not good enough, a fall out with someone or is he just not happy at Arsenal.
Thanks in advance mate.
{Ed001's Note - he wants to leave.}
07 Dec 2024 13:05:43
Just for you!
Arsenal good - lots to love
Liverpool, City, Chelsea and United - who gives a royal f***.
06 Dec 2024 22:25:59
Hi SY,
Thanks for the reply mate and I get it’s good to have opposing opinions.
Sometimes you have to build up to things and after the 3 sendings off and the Odegaard injury we’re starting to look good again.
Just a reminder, we scored 5 less than City and 5 more than Liverpool last season, 91 in total without this star striker.
I truly don’t see Liverpool as better than us by any stretch, in fact the opposite. No way are we a long way off of them.
I agree on Sterling, he’s brought pretty much nothing to the table but I really don’t get how you think the money we’ve spent has almost been wasted.
No team gets every signing right but I don’t see a team of Raya, Timber, Saliba, Gabriel, Calafiori, Partey, Rice, Odegaard, Saka, Havertz and Martinelli as weak or lacking in quality.
That still leaves us players like White, Tommy, Merino, Nwaneri, Kiwior, Zinny, Jesus, Jorginho and Trossard. Players that can do a job, for the here and now, like Kiwior and Zinny did against United.
I agree we need to offload the likes of Tavares, Lokonga, Sterling, Jorginho and Zinchenko to buy better and yes we’d all like that yesterday but I think we know it doesn’t work like that.
Anyway mate, enjoy your Christmas too and hopefully this team stay injury free and get on a long unbeaten run!
06 Dec 2024 09:16:34
Honestly SY, your negativity is painful mate.
Have you truly watched the quality of football we’ve played over the last two seasons and more and all you want to do is highlight the negatives and pass it off as reality.
Every team has ups and downs, look at City, where would Liverpool without Salah but because Odegaard is missing we’re a one man team.
Of course they’ll be a drop off, ourselves City and Chelsea have all had blips.
Yes we need a striker yes we could do with decent back up for Saka and a better left winger.
Liverpool are struggling to give their best three players contracts, City have to replace an ageing squad.
Where do you think we get all this money from to build this incredible squad you want.
Yes we’ve wasted some money, who hasn’t, Liverpool paid £80+ million for Nunez, City paid £100 million for Grealish.
We paid £65 million for Havertz, who got the better deal?
Reality is accepting where we’re at, enjoying some of the great football we played, accept the times we don’t play well and understand why.
Try not to jump on the ridiculous corner thing too, they are a fantastic part of our armoury, getting across the line for the title, for the first time, in a long time is about getting it done.
Every club could have that in their locker and their respective fans would love it. Just bitterness clouds their minds and I couldn’t give a flying f***.
It’s nearly Xmas mate, allow a little positivity to be wrapped up under the tree for yourself.
We all want to win, I’m certain the team want to win it.
It’s not, despite what Liverpool fans would have you believe, won in November.
There’s what, 24 games left to go.
03 Dec 2024 19:39:07
Hiya Mal, you know me mate, always lurking somewhere! ?.
03 Dec 2024 16:59:14
God I’ve needed a good laugh for so long, thanks mate!