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stephenbristow's rumours posts with other poster's replies to stephenbristow's rumours posts
17 Dec 2019 21:54:10
Why is it taking so long for us to get arteta done if he is coming.
1.) 17 Dec 2019 22:10:16
Apparently he was close last time Stephen so I can't see the club teasing him about the job twice mate, I think the jobs his IF he wants it, and I think that's the hold up it's if Artetta wants us not the other way around .
2.) 18 Dec 2019 07:16:14
I'm hearing he does want I t and josh as gone back to the USA as he is happy with the talks it's meant to be 5m a year on a 3 and a half year contract hope it's announced soon I'm happy about it a fresh approach I know a few ain't but I am I liked arteta as a player.
3.) 18 Dec 2019 08:59:49
My own personal opinion is much depends on Peps intentions, if Pep is thinking of moving on then Artetta might fancy stepping into his job but if Pep plans on being around City a while longer yet then Artetta might want to prove himself at Arsenal while he has the chance.
It's a huge gamble for us but equally it's a massive gamble for him too.
If he sits tight at City he's the next king in waiting but if he comes to Arsenal and fails he would need to start from scratch again to build up his credibility at a much smaller club in the future.
If Pep is thinking of moving on in the next 18 months Artetta might well reject our advances anyway.
26 Nov 2019 13:08:39
Seen reports were in talks with allegri.
1.) 26 Nov 2019 13:40:27
Hope it's from Ormstein or at least someone not totally fluent in Boris:-)
2.) 26 Nov 2019 14:01:33
Latest from Ornstein Gunner mate:
"The current expectation is that Emery will still be in charge for the Gunners Europa League clash against Eintracht Frankfurt on Thursday night. Things are happening behind the scenes, with it now looking a matter of when, rather than if, Emery is dismissed by the club. AFC have already begun considering candidates to replace Emery, but it remains to be seen precisely when they’ll pull the trigger"
3.) 26 Nov 2019 14:27:47
That's extremely hopeful Glen, thank you for that mate, looks like the club do accept the reality of the situation after all, phew.
4.) 26 Nov 2019 14:46:50
I hope so mate! As much as he's a reliable source, I still won't believe it until I see it. As for the candidates they're considering, who knows? Ian Holloway to carry on Banter FC?
5.) 26 Nov 2019 16:12:21
He's pretty much 90% in my experience Glen, definitely not infallible but extremely reliable.
I just hope we don't panic and give someone a 2 or 3 year deal if it's not the man we really want this time but simply the best we could ge at this time, far better to appoint a caretaker Freddie or someone else on a temporary basis with immediate effect then take all the time needed and just wait and see who comes forward.
" If we build it, he will come "
Worked a treat for Kevin Costner in field of dreams :-)
6.) 26 Nov 2019 16:50:20
It will prob be arteta we get in the end.
7.) 26 Nov 2019 17:44:50
Big Sams available Stephen :-)
8.) 26 Nov 2019 21:53:39
Perfect for the relegation battle were in Gunner 🙈.
9.) 26 Nov 2019 22:16:46
Sam or Tony Pulis 93 mate :-)
Arsenal and Everton are the 2 longest serving top flight clubs in England and we could possibly both do a Del and Rodney in the Robin reliant ;-)
10.) 27 Nov 2019 05:34:11
Wolves boss is coming up as front runner now got to love the papers.
11.) 27 Nov 2019 08:08:57
That's the real problem Stephen why would he leaves Wolves for us right now? Why would Rodgers leave Leicester?
We are a mess on and off the field right now so rather than just take anyone that will come why not take our time by appointing a caretaker and the opportunity to sort ourselves out from what being an unattractive option to a more attractive option.
Right now we aren't an exiting proposition but we could be much more so by the summer if we are honest about where we've gone wrong.
12.) 27 Nov 2019 16:50:25
Nothing on his twitter page.
08 Aug 2019 18:52:04
Is thus deal going through don't look. Like it.
1.) 08 Aug 2019 18:55:00
They are testing my patience to the maximum mate.
2.) 08 Aug 2019 18:59:19
Same here.
3.) 08 Aug 2019 20:03:05
All done yes.
{Ed047's Note - happy now mate?
4.) 08 Aug 2019 20:24:34
Yeah thanks mate are you.
{Ed047's Note - yes mate I am, he is talked of really highly as being a great bloke and obviously a winner and that won’t do any harm in the dressing room, he’s no shabby defender either. Win win for me.
5.) 08 Aug 2019 20:29:49
Me to just needs to cut mistakes out.
6.) 08 Aug 2019 22:45:29
The more you do the more mistakes you will inevitably make Stephen mate.
The more involved you get the more bad decisions you will make.
It's easy to be a shrinking violet and minimise your mistakes but if your passionate hungry and a winner you don't hide away you give it everything even if it's not always perfect
David Luis will stand up and be counted for Arsenal as he has everywhere else he's been.
7.) 09 Aug 2019 00:49:59
True mate I'm buzzing fir the season now.
09 Jul 2019 16:04:19
Any truth that we are after the real Madrid winger.
1.) 09 Jul 2019 23:59:04
ED not to long ago, you wrote out a list of players Arsenal are open to moving on. Are any of them in talks with other clubs? Or of serious interest?
{Ed002's Note - About half a dozen have already left.}
2.) 10 Jul 2019 18:37:21
And what about the bigger names on our books that can actually add a fair sum onto our transfer kitty whilst also releasing some stress of the wage bill. For example Mustafi, Mkhitaryan and co.
{Ed002's Note - I told you they were available. I am not going to chase around giving updates.}
06 Jul 2019 15:14:03
Hi eds is Ryan fraser still in the frame for us or is that all over with now.
{Ed002's Note - There remains interest but RW is far more of a priority.}
1.) 06 Jul 2019 17:32:04
OK ty.
2.) 07 Jul 2019 12:04:44
Ed, so is the RW Lucas Vazquez? Is that our prime target and is he any good? What’s his main strengths and weaknesses in your opinion
Thank you.
{Ed002's Note - Lucas Vazquez (RW) Putting aside whether or not a firm offer has been made, Arsenal have been offered the player after Inter Milan eased their interest as their focus changed to other players. Vazquez is one of many Real Madrid players being moved on and the club will be open to an offer around €30M or so. West Ham also enquired about the player and Bayern Munich could turn to him as cover - which I doubt will interest him. Real Madrid could also look to use him to horse trade for other players. Arsenal have been unable to afford or tempt the players they want at RW and are looking to the likes of Vazquez and Malcom.}
3.) 07 Jul 2019 13:46:03
You say a RW is more of a priority, does that mean we will look to play Zaha on the right, correct me if i'm wrong but i thought he usually plays on the left? Or would you say that we hve moved on from Zaha ed?
{Ed002's Note - Zaha is a RW who can also play on the LW and as a S if needed.}
4.) 08 Jul 2019 08:41:38
Thanks Ed, i knew he could cover all 3 just thought he was predominantly a LW.
5.) 08 Jul 2019 19:05:06
Does S stand for Soporific?
stephenbristow's banter posts with other poster's replies to stephenbristow's banter posts
02 Jan 2020 10:38:04
What a performance in the 1st half our fitness levels looked low in the second but we dug in I'm so happy how arteta is doing hope he gets a couple of players in this window.
{Ed047's Note - David Luiz spoke of their fitness levels and how they needed to improve on them after the game so they know it’s all a work in progress.
1.) 02 Jan 2020 11:21:01
That was interesting and good to see that the team and manager are aware of the positives as well as areas to work on. They both seem to be on the same page which is great and down to good communication. Well done Boss!
Like to hear them saying how happy the squad is - far easier to get more out of a cohesive happy squad.
2.) 02 Jan 2020 11:48:00
Sorry for another positive post but it was interesting to see Mikel keep Ozil on the pitch when we needed to hold onto a lead. He clearly learnt from taking him off against Chelsea and saw the benefit of having a player who makes themselves available for others, distracts the speed of the game and keeps possession. No point winning the ballot give it away straight away. Instead, he kept Ozil on ( who worked his socks off ) and made changes to accommodate the teams defensive need while still ensuring we had fire power on the pitch just in case. Great csll from the boss - he could have taken Ozil off and put Holding on.
3.) 02 Jan 2020 13:34:39
It's pretty shameful that here we are on January and our players are talking about getting fit enough to last 90 minutes, that's August language at most clubs.
Just shows how bad things really have been behind the scenes for so long and equally just how quickly Artetta is on top of the issue and addressing big time.
Bodes very very well for fans and players alike.
01 Jan 2020 08:53:22
Happy new year everyone and like to thank the eds for all the hard work they have done over the year and I'm sure in this year to thanks guys.
{Ed047's Note - Thanks Stephen and Happy New Year to you too and all the other posters who make it all worthwhile!
22 Dec 2019 09:13:52
Eds do you think Freddie will stay as part of arteta team as well as the coach round that was spotted with arteta at Everton.
{Ed002's Note - I really don't know.}
1.) 22 Dec 2019 15:31:06
I hope not.
2.) 22 Dec 2019 19:22:14
Sorry - but why should a person who was performing g well and has skills to offer be sacked by the club? He’s still a Gooner, an invincible, a true Gooner and seemed to coach the youth well. Why would we treat an ex-pro so poorly. Would you want a family member treated that way in their job?
3.) 22 Dec 2019 22:50:55
I think it2 pretty unfair for him to be criticized that much. He did really well with the youth and he was given a chance but didn't work for him.
4.) 22 Dec 2019 23:13:26
Family is always family SY but that doesn't mean they should always be found a place in the family business.
Keep business and sentiment separate and you can have a very successful business and a very happy family but mixing the two can and has stop everything working well.
5.) 23 Dec 2019 11:59:53
True 62 but he didn’t have the structure, support, squad ( injuries ) and time to make improvements. He definitely had dignity in the role, made some big calls. he had no analyst to scout opposition etc. he was in a no win situation. He shouldn’t be fired from the club or made out to be useless or a villain.
6.) 23 Dec 2019 13:46:01
The guy had no support staff at all and the BFG was moonlighting, jeez, give the guy a break. keep him on!
21 Dec 2019 15:00:07
At least we kept a clean sheet boring game no movement at all looks like both new managers have a lot to do but I'm happy it wernt a loss.
1.) 21 Dec 2019 15:30:29
100% a point gained rather than 2 dropped Stephen, Freddie has done the job he was asked to do to the best of his ability whitch with the greatest of respect he was totally beyond him as he looked as out of his depth as it gets.
Looking forward the Bournemouth Chelsea United games under Mikel now and seeing what he can possibly do with an extremely poor inheritance he's got to begin with.
2.) 21 Dec 2019 19:55:38
Yeah can't wait to see if we play faster footy and hope the board back him and his plans.
3.) 21 Dec 2019 22:47:57
Obviously it will take time to come 100% good but I'm hoping Mikel will begin by making us harder working and more solid and difficult to beat and then worry about making us pretty to watch again.
The solid George foundations that all the brilliant years were built on have totally eroded now and need relaying before anything lasting can be built on them and turned into a thing of beauty again.
We all long to see Arsenal playing breathtaking sexy football again week in week out but first things first and if keep try to put the cart before the horse yet again we will only end up continuing to decline.
4.) 22 Dec 2019 01:24:48
Raver61 - See you’re stalking us again. Remind us when you last won the league? The pain at the lane just goes on.
18 Dec 2019 22:36:30
This is taking ages now just get the manager sorted.
{Ed047's Note - 12 candidates, 3 interviews each, counting pennies, not really knowing what they’re doing. It all takes time stephen.
It’s not like it’s important or anything, you know if we were 10th in the league, there was unrest in the camp and our better players wanted to leave then you’d expect there to be a rush but everything’s good so they’re just chillin over it.
1.) 19 Dec 2019 01:52:28
I chuckled/ whimpered, nice one ed047.
{Ed047's Note - I think that’s what the world are doing at us wire 😂
2.) 19 Dec 2019 09:21:21
I'm sorry Ed just getting fed up with it's a done deal it's sorted them we have not spoke to man City our club is a joke.
{Ed047's Note - no need to be sorry mate, I think we are all pretty frustrated with how long the club is taking to make a decision.
There should have been a plan in place not all this dithering and making themselves look so amateurish and allowing us to slide backwards.
3.) 19 Dec 2019 12:41:45
Most fans don't really understand what happens behind the scenes but the totally unprofessional and incompetent handling of the Artetta situation with City only serves to highlight everything Ed002 has been saying about those running the club for the last year and a half.
It's an embarrassing shambles of a once proudly well run club off the field even when we were not always successful on the field.
4.) 19 Dec 2019 14:57:25
Just hope it's gets sorted today I'm off work now to new year I been watching my phone every 5 mins to see if its done lol.
stephenbristow's rumour replies
27 Dec 2019 18:01:48
If we agree a fee what a great start to the new year.
18 Dec 2019 07:16:14
I'm hearing he does want I t and josh as gone back to the USA as he is happy with the talks it's meant to be 5m a year on a 3 and a half year contract hope it's announced soon I'm happy about it a fresh approach I know a few ain't but I am I liked arteta as a player.
17 Dec 2019 07:06:15
OK thanks for the reply.
16 Dec 2019 20:35:50
Is arteta as good as done ed.
{Ed002's Note - I really have no idea.}
16 Dec 2019 16:04:07
I hope I do mate.
stephenbristow's banter replies
01 Jan 2020 08:55:49
Happy new year guys.
31 Dec 2019 08:49:22
Like Ed said we might have to sell and buy with the money we make from sales if I'm correct in it.
30 Dec 2019 13:55:59
He won't come but he would help arteta sort this poor defence out lol.
{Ed047's Note - to be honest Stephen I’m certain Arteta is going to sort it out.
But for that error by Leno Chelsea didn’t really lay a glove on us.
It’s all about coaching this group and Arteta is clearly doing that. Once we offload Luiz, Mustafi and Sokratis we’ll be better again.
30 Dec 2019 09:10:53
True zola Luiz was also lucky to stay on with the kante challsngevthst was stupid could of badly hurt kante we need tgst type of stuff out of footy.
30 Dec 2019 09:08:48
Get big Sam in as a coach as well I like big Sam you know what you get with him.