02 Nov 2021 19:00:16
I've decided to try and do 2 meat free days each week in order to try and do my bit.
I kicked off tonight with 2 plant based meat substitute burgers, my verdict on them is, if meat really tasted like those burgers did then there wouldn't be a problem at all, as the whole world would turn veggie overnight, yuk!
I'm playing safe on Thursday night with a nice bit of Cod and chips ????.
the lord made us with teeth that are made for eating meat G62, i have tried all that quorn rubbish and it all tastes like chipboard to me mate..
1.) 02 Nov 2021
02 Nov 2021 19:54:56
Veggie curries are niiiiice :) ? ?.
2.) 02 Nov 2021
02 Nov 2021 20:04:07
We are going to try doing the same thing - vegetarian lasagna. I asked what can we have with it as you always insist on a veg if I’m eating meat. My suggestion was a couple of sausages or a burger as them the rules ?
I think it’s a good idea but it’s red meat we are trying to cut out and if we have it that it’s infrequent and a good cut eg don’t waste it on a burger or mince when I’d rather have a steak as my red meat treat.
If you stumble across anything good - let me know. M and S do a few nice p, ant based curries…. I don’t make dishes - I buy meals not ingredients ?.
3.) 02 Nov 2021
02 Nov 2021 20:38:30
Hi Ed025 mate, I can out carnivorous any Lion and most Crocodiles mate, but going by my experience tonight synthetic meat just ain't the answer.
But I am determined to give my best shot at doing 2 days a week for the sake of future generations and every other living thing that is lucky enough to be living on this beautiful blue planet, yup even the wasps and stinging nettles
My new plan from now on is to stick to fish n chip Thursdays and a vegetable Ruby on Tuesdays and Jack spuds cheese and beans when I get fed up with either of those, I'll leave the synthetic meat burgers to the new age millennials, well if they came stomach Love Island and made in Chelsea They'll probably probably actually enjoy them ?????.
{Ed025's Note - love that G62, im turning into an eco warrior myself but i draw the line at meat, i do eat vegetables like roast potatoes, carrot and turnip and broccoli, but they are usually accompanied by a leg of lamb, gravy and mint sauce...so i suppose im half vegetarian mate..
4.) 02 Nov 2021
02 Nov 2021 21:11:43
I generally find it’s better eating proper veggie or vegan meals rather than trying to eat a traditional meat dish by trying to replace the meat with an alternative. I think those meat alternatives are so processed, I am not sure they benefit the planet that much. Indian food is brilliant for veggie, they have so many dishes, like dhals, that were created purely as a veggie/ vegan meal, and are fantastic. Also instead of a meat free lasagne, try parmigiana melanzane instead. It’s one of my favourite all time Italian dishes anyway, and when done well, proves you don’t need meat, and it kicks a meat free lasagnes arse big time IMO.
5.) 02 Nov 2021
02 Nov 2021 21:50:44
Thanks for the tips SY and Sally, if we all do a little hopefully it will make a huge difference, I love a good Aberdeen Angus steak SY and of course a Large kebab with loads of hot chill sauce, liver and onions makes my stomach sing happy tunes and a good old fashioned full English is definitely part of a top weekend.
Who knows maybe missing out on my favourites on a Tuesday and Thursday will make them taste all the betrer on the other 5 days ?????.
6.) 02 Nov 2021
02 Nov 2021 22:11:15
I got a Linda McCartney fake chicken bucket, I'm not a veggie, it was just reduced, so I thought I would try it it was disgusting! Nothing like chicken. The ingredients list was insane! Can't remember what was in it but it was just a huge list! Also so expensive like 5x the price of real chicken.
7.) 02 Nov 2021
02 Nov 2021 22:35:36
Jacket potato with cheese and beans or tuna. Veggie curry and veggie lasagna- 3 good ideas. Now I need to make those small changes.
{Ed025's Note - lash a steak on it SY.. :)
8.) 03 Nov 2021
03 Nov 2021 00:33:10
Try the Linda McCartney burgers mate they are absolutely stunning along with her pies, eat these for a few months and you will have a body like the Raver.
9.) 03 Nov 2021
03 Nov 2021 07:51:25
Thanks for the warning Raver mate ?.
10.) 03 Nov 2021
03 Nov 2021 08:16:58
God knows what my family would think if I were to come out as vegetarian ?♂️ They’d probably disown me ??.
11.) 03 Nov 2021
03 Nov 2021 18:47:03
My grandad was a butcher, but I've been vegan 25 years.
For meat substitutes I'd recommend the 'This' isn't bacon sold at tesco, sometimes Holland and Barrett, but most supermarkets now - the company used to specialise in regular bacon, so know a or two about it. Can often find it for around £2 for a pack of 10 slices.
Also, the 'Beyond Meat' burgers are the best I've ever had. Often £5 for a pack of 2 but I hold off until the deals of £3/ £3.50 a pack in tesco etc.
Lots of overpriced vegan stuff, but other things like the Swedish Glacé ice cream at tesco for 2.50/ £3 a big tub and they've been going since I've been vegan.
But loads of great non meat-substitutes now.
12.) 04 Nov 2021
04 Nov 2021 17:00:58
Thanks for the info Jim, once I've erased the taste of those meat substitute burgers I tried the other night out of my memory i migh give that bacon a go.
For me personally the vegan bit is a step to far but I'm happy to do 2 days a week meat free in order to make a positive contribution towards the future of this gorgeous planet and all its inhabitants great and small.