27 Jan 2023 12:08:40
Hello Ed002, You have previously confirmed Arsenal's interest in Caicedo (Brighton) and also told us that Brighton would resist a sell. Do you think Brighton's stance can change in the coming days if we increase our bid?
Thanks as always for your wonderful work.
{Ed002's Note - Moises Caicedo (DM/CM) Arsenal have enquired after his availability and been told he is not for sale and a low-ball bid was laughed off. Prior interest of Manchester United, dating back before he joined Brighton, remains. Liverpool have not made any approach to Brighton although they may have an interest in taking the player. West Ham and Chelsea have an interest and with Graham Potter, Paul Winstanley, Bruno Salter and Kyle Macauley all having made the move whilst the futures of Kante and Jorginho are unclear, Chelsea must be considered a very viable option. A representative of the player says Brighton will demand a very significant fee.
1.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 16:04:18
How is 60m a low ball bid come on now. And I doubt it was laughed off!
{Ed002's Note - It is way less than would have been acceptable and it has been laughed off.}
2.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 17:43:00
We can’t be getting our knickers in a twist just because we don’t like Ed 002s response after we’ve asked for it fellas.
But let’s put this in context.
Caicedo was bought in Jan 2021 from his native league, the fee was undisclosed but you’d have to imagine it wasn’t any higher than 6M based on the profile of the player at the time.
He never played a minute of PL football before being loaned out in August to a mid table Belgian side. He was recalled due to an injury crisis for Brighton in January 2022.
He didn’t play a minute of PL football til starting again us at the Emirates in April.
So we’re taking here about a player who’s played Premier League football for 5 months who’s only other full season league experience was in the Equadorian Serie A. 5 months PL experience is not worth 60M. It’s not worth 30M. Players can be one season wonders or have runs of good form that last longer than 6mths.
There are plenty of Moise Caicedos out there for a fraction of whatever price Brighton are hoping to quote.
Laugh at their ‘laughable’ reaction to what would have been a ten fold profit on their initial outlay and let’s put the effort into finding two excellent additions for that 60M.
Brighton will just have to hope his stock stays high and he’s as good as the hype otherwise they’ll be laughed at in a couple of seasons when he’s only worth 25M.
3.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 20:04:24
Good post that Shambo.
4.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 22:38:56
Yes, really good post shambo. Different style of player (and I'm not for one minute we'll go for, or are interested in) but you'd probably get ward-prowse for less, and with bags more experience behind him.
5.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 00:48:20
Well it’s getting interesting now lads it seems the player has gone public with a plea to move on….
6.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 01:04:27
Fully disagree with you. 21 years old, one of the best midfielders in the league with plenty of potential. Also played in the word cup last year so he’s an international. Think he’s worth around 70-75 imo.
7.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 10:20:35
Treat yourself to him then DG, your worth it mate ????.
8.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 10:33:10
He is worth whatever Brighton want for him, it’s that simple. What would we say if Man City bid 60m for Saka? Words “go do one” spring to mind, and that’s exactly what Brighton are entitled to say to us. He is their player, and they don’t want to sell him, so move on.
9.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 10:36:37
How can you claim any footballer to be the best at anything in a league he’s only competed in for less than half of one full season?
And he’s a 5/ 6 cap international, again it’s very early days for him in that regard.
I guess you’d have been saying the same about Bissouma 18mths ago. Bissouma who was a far better and more consistent player for Brighton than Caicedo over a longer period, and who was sold for 30M.
Form is temporary and people are far too quick to heap accolades on players that they often, haven’t merited yet. Everybody wants to be the person who spotted ‘the next big thing’ first.
Respectfully, I’m glad your not in charge of our player recruitment Dags.
If our approach was to spend 70-75M on players with as little experience as Caicedo every time we went about our business you’d be looking for a new club to support pretty quickly because ours would be out of business.
10.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 13:20:52
He's actually worth what another club is prepared to pay for him Epping mate, and if we are all done and out of the bidding at 60m happy days.
Just because you'd like to have an extra loaf in the freezer just in case doesn't mean you should pay the shopkeeper £25 for last loaf on the shelf because the shop closes in 5 minutes.
11.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 14:08:32
Ornstein reporting that we have signed Caciedo for 80 mill and if he helps us win the Prem then it is money well spent.
12.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 14:33:36
IF TRUE then obviously the club were happy to pay that Bill mate and I am happy with that.
Good signing IF TRUE mate.
13.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 15:54:25
Just looked at the post is not there .
Moe on the banter page says it's the Indian Ornstein so looks like I have egg on my face??.
14.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 17:02:11
Don't be silly Billy, we love you still really ?????.
15.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 17:44:26
Shambo, great post but I think you’re overlooking what they’re paying for: the ability to hit the ground running, have an immediate impact. You can find a player playing in the French second division ( like Kante) and buy him for peanuts. It might work, it might not. If we can win the league with this player, maybe in the boards mind, it justifies the outlay.
16.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 18:00:53
Your so forgiving on this page????.
17.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 18:27:31
Paying over the odds is panic buying and look where that's got United.
Set your valuation and if it's exceeded by others or unacceptable to the seller walk away. Getting caught up in silly negotiations with silly valuations leads to Pepe at 77 million type mistakes in my opinion.
18.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 19:29:19
Yeah I get you Alex mate but 70-75M?
I think it would be very rash.
19.) 28 Jan 2023
28 Jan 2023 19:49:30
Your correct G62, in that we value the player up to a certain value, but on this occasion the value is set by the seller, a bit like putting a reserve on an item in an auction.
If Brighton don’t want to sell they are free to set a ludicrous price that would be required to make them change their mind. It’s a bit like someone knocking on your front door and telling you they love your house and want to buy it. Your reaction will probably be I don’t care, I love my house and have no interest in selling and moving.
They then say we will pay you 130% of its current worth, and again you weigh the options and even with that offer, you have no intention of having to sell and put yourself through the moving process.
Finally they say what would we need to offer to buy your house, and you either say it’s not for sale at any price, or you give such a stupid level you know any reasonable person would not accept.
Brighton are in that same position.
20.) 29 Jan 2023
29 Jan 2023 15:48:59
Alright then Shambo, the fountain of knowledge that you are, what is a fair price for the kid? The selling club sets the price not YOU
21.) 29 Jan 2023
29 Jan 2023 16:09:01
Bruce would never write anything this vanilla, this is an unofficial post tampered with by the powers that be.
{Ed014's Note - Bruce I’ve not tampered with any post, bar this one and if you continue to be a dick then you’ll be removed completely.
22.) 29 Jan 2023
29 Jan 2023 17:38:57
Sorry fella.
I make it a point of not clarifying myself for anybody who refers to themselves in the 3rd person simply because they don’t have the balls to own their own posts.
For a lad that gave two different opinions in the space of 20 mins, you think you’d learn to respect diversity in that regard.
{Ed014's Note - I deleted the abuse he aimed at you too mate but just wanted you to know what an imbecile he appears to be for no fathomable reason that I can see.
Keep the great posts and opinions coming Shambo. ??
23.) 29 Jan 2023
29 Jan 2023 17:53:14
Damn it Ed I missed that I would have enjoyed the giggle. cheers tho.
{Ed014's Note - haha sorry mate, it was just a stupid cheap shot and you’re welcome.
We’re all gunners so no idea why anyone wants to be a tit!?♂️?
24.) 29 Jan 2023
29 Jan 2023 17:53:30
Listen Bruce this isn't a posting site where we insult other arsenal fans posts we all have our opinions whether there right or wrong eds do there very best they can to keep us updated on what's in the pipeline so I suggest you pipe down and stop being childish and mocking other posts.