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AFC_Bacon's rumours posts with other poster's replies to AFC_Bacon's rumours posts
01 Feb 2016 20:50:13
Rosicky is out injured again. I love the guy, and on his day he's a fantastic player but at the end of the season we need to let him go and bring through a player who will spend more time on the pitch.
01 Feb 2016 20:45:47
Debuchy on loan to Bordeaux has been confirmed. I completely understand he wants more game time, just hope we have a recall option in case of an emergency. And ateast we didn't give him to utd. We've helped out premier league rivals enough in recent years.
25 Aug 2015 19:39:03
I've read rumours today of kokorin potentially joining us. Eds, any truth to this? I've not heard of him, is he any good?
{Ed002's Note - I would need to check but his agent has always been quite vocal about his charge.}
1.) 26 Aug 2015 13:14:25
I posted last night but some how it didn't get on. Probably interpol pulled it. But on Wikipedia last night we had signed him all ready, it is taken off now. Hopefully if we did buy him, we realised straight away what a donkey we had bought and sold him to spuds.
28 Jul 2015 08:15:43
Is there any change on the Carvalho interest? I know he is injured but I'd still go for him. He could use the time injured to bed in to the club and new surroundings and then challenge Le Coq for DM when he is fit.
1.) 28 Jul 2015 10:05:49
The thing is, there's never a guarantee that a player is going to be as good after an injury Bacon, just look at Falcao.
Another thing is, there's never a guarantee that a player will ever completely shake off an injury, just look at Owen, Hargreaves, Diaby, Wes Brown etc.
2.) 28 Jul 2015 11:02:13
It's crazy. Why on earth would you spend 30 million on an injured player.
{Ed002's Note - Right - but Arsenal may decide to wait on him rather than make a knee jerk reaction and buy someone for teh sake of it which is what the fans want.}
3.) 28 Jul 2015 12:09:29
Some fans, ed. Only some.
4.) 28 Jul 2015 15:26:42
Put it this way. The vast majority of people on here wanted us to sign Balotelli a year ago. Enough said.
5.) 28 Jul 2015 17:00:23
Lol ubistonk I was thinking the same thing the other day. Some people as soon as a name is mentioned, he's the best of the best, even if they've barely seen the player play lol.
03 Jan 2015 13:21:26
Podolski completes medical at inter.
AFC_Bacon's banter posts with other poster's replies to AFC_Bacon's banter posts
30 May 2017 16:36:34
According to the BBC Wenger has signed a 2 year deal. I'm torn, I really want him to win the league with us one more time but I'm not sure he's got it in him.
1.) 30 May 2017 17:33:12
I'vevseen polls on the internet asking that very question and not only to arsenal supporters. They are averaging 80/ 20 agreeing with you and me. It doesn't mean he wont, just that people think he wont.
2.) 30 May 2017 18:55:31
He won't win anything. Tactically he is far behind. mark my words next seson we will all be here moaning about him. I would love to be proven wrong but i don't see that happening.
11 Feb 2017 12:24:43
What does Perez need to do to get a start?
1.) 11 Feb 2017 13:26:28
Have a better manager?
2.) 11 Feb 2017 14:01:48
Honestly I can believe what I'm watching! Now he's taken Walcott off and put elneny on moved ox out wide! Now if that's not negative then I don't know what is. Why not put Lucas on straight swap and then put welbs on for iwobi.
08 Mar 2016 18:27:52
It's probably the team I expected wenger to put out this evening. Whether or not it is the right move to put in out of form Walcott and giroud will be the big question. They both need big games to bring their confidence back up. Glad to see Joel Campbell playing and Bellerby getting a rest.
1.) 08 Mar 2016 18:56:18
I havnt seen bellerby play all season tbh. Probably not match fit?
23 Feb 2016 21:28:37
The harsh truth is, we just aren't good enough. But against Barcelona who is? We might be good enough to win the prem but unless you pay Barcelona wages to messi neymar sura etc. . Nobody stands a chance.
31 Dec 2015 12:47:45
Isaac Hayden is returning early from his loan at Hull. Will this have any impact on our signings? Perhaps preparing for Debuchy moving on?
{Ed002's Note - He plays a different position to Debuchy so it will be unrelated. I suspect it might be with him not getting enough starting opportunities in Hull - that is the normal reason.}
1.) 31 Dec 2015 13:26:38
Not upto it.
2.) 31 Dec 2015 17:12:05
Will gnabry return as well? He's not played either.
{Ed001's Note - that is very likely, I would put it at about 99% chance of happening, Arsenal want to get him back.}
3.) 31 Dec 2015 20:13:26
I hope so, I expect all he's learnt from pulis is how to kick people.
22 Jul 2017 05:29:57
If Sanchez is leaving, I think it makes it more important we keep Ox. Why would we sell him to a rival but not sell sanchez to city?
06 Apr 2017 06:01:31
Maybe it was deliberate. He thought, who here could actually captain the side? And no obvious answer came to mind. Theo was captain last night, he has shown more passion this season but I wouldn't have said is a clear choice for captain. We just can't risk too many of those £300 fines :)
11 Feb 2017 07:40:04
Am I right in thinking ManU had to announce it as they are on the New York Stock Exchange? I hope the Wenger contract is resolved swiftly either way at the end of the season to allow plenty of prep time in the summer.
30 Aug 2016 05:58:17
As long as we have the option to recall him during our annual injury crisis this might be a good thing for him.
28 Feb 2016 12:44:27
Did we bring Gnabry back too? Could be an opportunity for him.
30 Mar 2017 06:08:22
His fate surely can't hinge on one more game. Even if we beat city and go on to make top 4, it doesn't necessarily mean Wenger is the right manager for this club next season. I would love to see him magically become less stubborn and hand over some responsibilities to someone else. If he really wants to future proof the club then he can't continue the same way for 2 more years.
07 Mar 2017 19:10:19
Don't ask me why, but I'm feeling strangely optimistic. I quite like the look of the team selection tonight.
11 Feb 2017 07:43:06
I do agree but if the players you mentioned turned out to fulfill their potential they would be viewed as bargains, you win some you lose some. There is still enough money to pay the higher wages, we just choose not to.
17 Sep 2016 07:15:51
Is it worth giving Gibbs a game at left back?
I'd like to see giroud start to allow Sanchez to play on the left wing.
27 Aug 2016 22:37:55
I'd love to see us go out andbeat teams by 4,5or 6 goals. On occasion it feels like we are capable and holding back for some reason.