06 Mar 2023 09:30:46
I'd say there's one Ed still celebrating
Morning Trish.
{Ed001's Note - hiya Mal. You are right, it will be months before this smile is wiped off my face.}
1.) 06 Mar 2023
06 Mar 2023 14:06:22
I woke up this morning and checked the manu page. I was sure if see a post from you, Ed001, with just a huge smile emoji in the text. I was disappointed.
{Ed001's Note - I have been busy, but I am not one to gloat anyway. But right now I am in the middle of moving so not even a chance to just say hi and cheer them up with my presence on there!}
2.) 06 Mar 2023
06 Mar 2023 16:44:36
I'm sure 14 would love to pop on there and say hi for you ?
You still in Dubai?
{Ed001's Note - no, am in the Philippines now. 8 hour time difference is a killer.}
3.) 06 Mar 2023
06 Mar 2023 18:09:37
Ah nice. Did the heat do you in? Been to the Philippines a few times in my youth, with an ex. Cebu City, Mindanao. Iloco Sur, and obviously Manila.
{Ed001's Note - no I like the heat, it is just much cheaper in the Philippines.}
4.) 06 Mar 2023
06 Mar 2023 20:45:21
Aye when I was in southeast Asia I found it so difficult to watch Arsenal games. In NZ now which is even worse! Do you watch them live Ed001? I've just settled for watching the recording first thing in the morning.
{Ed001's Note - at the moment I watch the recording out of superstition, but it is not easy to watch that is for sure as they stopped showing the Prem here this season. When I got here there was a channel for it. Now that channel mostly shows Bundesliga and K League.}
5.) 07 Mar 2023
07 Mar 2023 04:04:55
Dzeko11.net bossman.
{Ed001's Note - thank you Brucie! Though not sure I will be able to watch anything for a while as my new place is in a building under construction and no proper internet, so I will be mobile only after the weekend when I have to be out of this place. I will bookmark that link though as the ones I tried so far have all been taken down.
The nice thing is we have an entire 16 floor building all to ourselves when the construction crew are not about as no one else is stupid enough to move in until it is finished.}
6.) 07 Mar 2023
07 Mar 2023 07:52:55
Will be more expensive now, but still probably way cheaper than Dubai. Are you in Manilla?
{Ed001's Note - it is very cheap to live here, and yes in Manila. Pasig City now, I was in Quezon City.}
7.) 07 Mar 2023
07 Mar 2023 08:51:15
You planning to come back to Blighty or is that you settled?
{Ed001's Note - no plans to return, but have to see what the missus wants to do before I can say for sure. Though a lot also depends on my parent's health, as they are getting on now and that could be an issue. So can't really plan with certainty.}
8.) 07 Mar 2023
07 Mar 2023 09:39:53
I've been toying with the idea of moving back home for a couple of years now. Love Scotland, but lately the weather has been getting to me. You won't believe it, but I've been grumpier than usual lately.
Hope it all works out for you.
9.) 07 Mar 2023
07 Mar 2023 14:13:35
@ed001: footybite. to is what I'm using these days, one of the best to survive the purge.
{Ed001's Note - thank you, I will bookmark that too.
Where are you from then Sharpie?}
10.) 07 Mar 2023
07 Mar 2023 15:29:16
I'm Bahraini, mate.
Get yourself sorted with a firestick.
{Ed001's Note - I thought you were from the Middle East originally, but I wasn't sure if I was getting mixed up.
Yeah, the plan is to get IPTV set up as soon as I am in. But the list of things to buy is very extensive as I literally have nothing in terms of furniture and fixtures and fittings other than it has a toilet, shower and two sinks - one in bathroom and one in kitchen. Everything else I need to get. Should be fun!}
11.) 07 Mar 2023
07 Mar 2023 15:44:32
Moving is the absolute worst. Exciting right before it happens and then just misery. I did it a few times and then just went the serviced apartment route when I worked in Saudi and Dubai.
{Ed001's Note - I hate moving, every time I say never again but somehow I always end up doing it again a few years later. I really hope this is the last time, but I know I am not that lucky.}
12.) 07 Mar 2023
07 Mar 2023 16:36:02
What do you mean "not that lucky". You would have been feeling down and out of nowhere - 7-0!
13.) 07 Mar 2023
07 Mar 2023 19:18:34
What happened with Malta Sharpie?
14.) 08 Mar 2023
08 Mar 2023 07:46:22
haha 67. Malta will always hold a special place in my heart, even though I've never been there before. Incidentally, my neighbour is from Malta. She's very fastidious about her garden - not that I watch her much.
15.) 08 Mar 2023
08 Mar 2023 17:57:24
Hey Sharpie, I've no idea why I ever dreamt you was moving there but I hope one day you might, even if it's only for a couple of weeks ? I'd really like to be able to start calling it a wonderful premonition from a all knowing guru, apposed to the bizarre misconception from weirdo with confused mind that seems to fit me so perfectly as things stand ???.