17 Mar 2020 07:13:25
Football is currently trying to work out what to do. However, apparently the current situation could easily go on for 12 to 18 months, before a vaccine may emerge.
The implications are huge. Yesterday, as there is no football being played, I unsubscribed to BT Sport and I am considering doing the same with Sky Sports.
Of course people's health is paramount.
Keep safe and well.
1.) 17 Mar 2020
17 Mar 2020 08:06:43
You too RG mate, it makes sense that if football is your only reason for subscribing to cancel.
I'm genuinely think whenever life after the virus will be very different to life before it.
Habits will change and how people spend thier time and money and sense of perspective will change too.
I think we will all be prepared to go without stuff we can easily live without to support and fund our fantastic health service Doctors Nurses Carers properly again.
2.) 17 Mar 2020
17 Mar 2020 10:05:39
Thank you G62 - I agree.
My 80 year old Father-in-law is isolated at home in Milan &! things are truly bad there.
Football will no doubt suffer financial hardship and perhaps it will end the absurd amounts players are paid at the top level and not before time.
Keep well.
3.) 17 Mar 2020
17 Mar 2020 11:08:13
Agree RG mate, I think we will come out of this with very a different way of seeing things and people won't just realise what really matters to them most but also how unimportant other things really were.
With virtually everyone one on the planets life's changing so dramatically so quickly and for who knows how long it's impossible to think it won't bring about a different way of living once we are fortunate enough to get through it.
4.) 17 Mar 2020
17 Mar 2020 12:45:23
Hope your father in law is ok / must be tough with family so far away in a country in such a state - thoughts with you!
5.) 17 Mar 2020
17 Mar 2020 13:34:55
I agree G62.
6.) 17 Mar 2020
17 Mar 2020 15:50:08
Sharpie mate, how's it going?
7.) 17 Mar 2020
17 Mar 2020 21:20:21
Agree RG when to cancel my sky yesterday and told me that I can't as I have a new contract, I told them i'm paying for a service I'm not receiving and they said there's plenty of football on right now, when I flicked over they were showing a man Utd game from 1998 lol, hope your in laws are ok mate.
8.) 17 Mar 2020
17 Mar 2020 21:32:33
Hey Mala, been great, mate. You've been keeping out of trouble, I hope.
9.) 18 Mar 2020
18 Mar 2020 10:38:44
Thanks SY4 and Raver
Raver, I contacted Sky, who were very helpful. As I had an old contract they cancelled Sky Sports HD immediately. I had to give 31 days notice to cancel Cinema and Box Sets. My total saving will be an astonishing £50 per month, plus BT which was £36.50. So a total saving of £86.50 per month, £1038 a year! Of course when football resumes, I will subscribe again, but in the meantime it's a great saving, which I would suggest fellow Gooners and Raver consider. During this crisis it makes sense to save where possible.
Keep safe. Keep well.