30 Jul 2020 09:07:50
I appreciate that this signing would be somewhat hard to achieve given our current state and would probably ruin us even more financially however, can we just take a moment to imagine Coutinho in our squad.
The quality he would bring with his creativity, vision, passing and shooting ability would be insane.
There's no doubt about it that he's a top player who oozes class but I guess there are questions as to why it hasn't worked out at Barcelona. They tried playing him as a no.8 which didn't help in my opinion. He showed his class at Bayern but again, they don't want to keep him on either.
A loan would be ideal but I don't want us loaning too many players only to potentially lose them after 12 months. Maybe we could get a 2 year loan who knows?
Do I think it will happen? No. Would it be wise considering we need a few players? Probably not but he would be a brilliant signing nonetheless.
1.) 30 Jul 2020
30 Jul 2020 13:28:59
I would worry that Coutinho would be a similar situation to the Ozil standoff. Great player but wouldn't really fit in with Arsenal. Plus we have some impressive youngsters coming through and ready and he would take one of their places when he plays.
2.) 30 Jul 2020
30 Jul 2020 15:45:59
He wouldn't take anyone's place mate other than Ozil's technically. I would use him as a n.10 and other than EMS he wouldn't be treading on anybody's toes. EMS is ready for his premier league start but we can't rely on him and need to make sure we nurture him. If we were to play him on the left which is a position that he's played before then yes because of Saka and Auba when he's placed out there. However, we know we can use Saka on the left/ right at Lb and even in the middle if we have to so having PC as well would help tactically.
3.) 31 Jul 2020
31 Jul 2020 20:09:32
I thought coutinho was sublime at Liverpool, but he was given free reign because of the hard work of the rest of the team (like firmino) . Glenn, I have to agree with Mokey. I think ozil is technically better than coutinho and he would suffer the same fate as ozil - not enough in place to get the best out of such luxury.
{Ed047's Note - not anywhere regularly enough for me Jim and Özil a much better player, when he actually plays.
Coutinho is a perfect straight swap for Pogba for me, two totally over rated and over priced players if ever I saw them.
4.) 01 Aug 2020
01 Aug 2020 00:39:09
:) Well, i can't say I watched Liverpool a lot, but I was impressed by coutinho in lots of the games. Barcelona has really shown his deficiencies though, or more kindly, that you don't get anywhere near the most out of his skills when everything isn't set up to play to his strengths. Old Poggles on the other hand seems to have everything, but that includes an ego, and its that which seems key to him as a player. i'm worried that fernandes was exactly what man u needed for poggles to work off and show he's better than.